Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Final Captain's Log: Murderface

          I thoroughly enjoyed the final showdown. Every act was amusing in their own way and every player in the draft could keep their head above water performance-wise. Speaking for MurderFace, despite having three guitarists on the roster, it was really every other instrument that salvaged our playing. Jamie and Matt can always execute at a professional level, while Brad demonstrated a new side to his personality (rapper) and commandeered the complete attention of the audience. I was lackluster to say the least, but overworked and under-practiced.
         Furthermore, Evan, although a rookie to live performance, showed a tremendous dedication to the band. He improved dramatically as a player during the month that we rehearsed, and completely held it down during the showdown. As compromised as I was, it took a lot of the burden off of me having his rhythm work so locked in.

            Anyway, great job commissioners, this was an awesome idea. Good Luck next year, and I hope to see this shit on TV.


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