Abridged Rules

New York Band Draft ABRIDGED* Rules and Regulations, 2011
*For an in-depth and super complicated version of these rules that will put you to sleep faster than a Cold Play record please visit our Face Book page or our awesome blog at http://newyorkbanddraft.blogspot.com/.

Mission Statement
The Band Draft Commissioners have put their handsome heads together to create the rules contained in this rulebook. These rules have been designed with certain goals in mind, specifically, your discomfort. They are intended to make participants create music they might not otherwise create with people that they might not otherwise have created with. Some rules have been designed to assure that the New York Band Draft events run smoothly and are entertaining for their audience. All of the rules contained herein have been created for a reason, which the commission, with their immense intellects, has pondered for long hours. We respectfully ask that you shut up and never question our superior minds and follow these rules because we have had a vision, and it’s a badass vision. That being said, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of Band Draft events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all events, and by participating in these events, all participants agree to com- ply with these rules. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM PUBLICATION OF, OR COMPLIANCE WITH, THESE RULES AND/OR REGULATIONS. You could totally stub your toe on the way up to the stage and we would laugh at you and later make fun of you behind your back so be careful, it’s a dangerous world out there. Any interpretation of, or deviation from, these rules is left to the discretion of the judges and The Commission. THEIR DECISIONS ARE FINAL.

The Commission:

E-mail: nycbanddraft@gmail.com                 


Phone: (808) 228-3834 E-mail: nycbanddraft@gmail.com

Band Draft ABRIDGED Rules:

1)   Every band must play two originals and one cover song at the Band Draft Super Bowl .
2)   Originals have to be the product of you and your band collaborating to make a song. Previously existing riffs are allowed only if they are undeveloped at the time of The Draft.
3)   The band, in a democratic fashion, will choose covers. Captains do not have any special privileges in deciding which cover will or will not be chosen.
4)   You may not play in a band with someone you are currently in a band with without exception by The Commission. The captains’ responsibilities are to draft people in accordance with this rule. If, on Draft Night, you find that you are being chosen for a band with a person that you are currently in a band with, please speak up immediately. 
5)   Every band has only 15 minutes of performance time and 10 minutes of set up time so quit fixing your hair and shoving legumes down your pants back stage and get to it.
6)   You must leave your instruments in the designated instrument area, keep them on your person or take them off premises. This is to prevent our gracious hosts from getting any fire hazard fines.
7)   You must play on the backline that is provided for you at the show. If you have any special requests you may submit them to The Commission.
8)   Each band will be responsible for deciding on a band name that must be submitted to The Commission by the decided on date. 
9)   Every participant is required to play an important role in the creative process and performances involved in this event. Bands must utilize the artistic talents of all band members throughout the performance.
10)                  If, at The Band Draft Super Bowl, there are any questions as to whether  a band or a participant’s behavior is in accordance with these rules, the issue, and any penalties, shall be decided by the panel of judges.
11)                  Finally, The Commission reserves the right to change any of these rules or make exceptions to the rules in the interests of creating an event that is fair and fun for everyone. So,shut up ‘n play yer guitar.