Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Captain's Log, Week One: Team Christian

        Last night, upon depositing a wiggly anus worm of the sphincter gnomes, I receieved some unexpected splashback. The sky outside the studio sounded angry on this windy and rainy evening, and as a result I was quite jumpy and "direct" in my deliverance of what I can only imagine was a perfectly sculpted honeymooner (I'm not one to admire my creations).

        When all was said and done, the guys and I had our first Band Draft band rehearsal at good ol' King Killer, which happens to be where Johnny and I rent space with our respective bands so it was nice to be home. Nate came to the realization that some of his pedals no longer work, and that he'd probably prefer to play bass for Band Draft Super Bowl. Johnny's getting over a cold and sounded like that schmuck from AC/DC (no, the other one) but still sounded really good because Johnny's not a schmuck.

        We're down from the original six guys to the remaining four guys which means tonight I realized I'm probably going to be the only one playing guitar, which was a little intimidating at first because I'm not really a lead guitarist. I would've been shitting bricks, but you already know what happened (see first paragraph).

I put on my wizard hat and take out my wand. Twenty points.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Captains Log, Week 1: Team Todd

Captains log: Supplemental

The past week has seen two rehearsals of my team. Each a total disaster. All we do is meet, get really, really high and tune. And tune,..and do some more tuning. Will has no pedals so his guitar sound is totally dry and lifeless. Pat keeps breaking sticks ,(but over his head?! I still don't understand this behavior.) Evan keeps prattling on about how much better Black Sabbath was before they 'came out'. Are they really gay? I'm starting to believe him. And Kyle recites the Martin Luther King speech before each practice, not unlike a strange incantation. It's kinda weird. Anyway, I broke my collar bone the day before the first rehearsal, so most I just fetal position it in the corner and cry into the mic about how shitty everything is.

We heard Anne and Phil's band the other night across the hall. Hippies, man. Gotta love 'em. Not sure what they were doing but I definitely heard something about horny woodland animals. I wasn't surprised in the least. Nitrous will do that. As we were coming back from a break, Anne asked us if we were going back up to continue getting all 'gay' with each other. I just flipped her off, from under my sling, and told her "This part still works, missy". Bitch,... Thats all for now, but I'm sure this will get worse, so stay tuned dear readers.

Capt. Todd

Captains Log, Week 1: Team Mikey

        Well folks, with two practices down it is safe to say that our team is progressing rapidly.  Today I taught Doug how to re-string and tune his guitar, so he is just about ready to go for it and learn to play the guitar, finally.  Carsten has told me about a few of his psychological problems.  I've given him the number of my therapist, she's great at alleviating any 'mommy issues' that one might have.  Obie was a bit, "under the weather", today, so I ran out to the dollar store and bought him some new clean underwear.  Crisis averted.

     Yesterday, our first day of practice, was also exciting.  At first it seemed that Dan was playing out of rhythm, but once we removed the stick up his ass everything seemed to flow normally.  I have fired a band member, though.  Ryan told me that he and his wife were considering aborting their first child because it would interfere with the creative process involved with starting a new band for the band draft.  I told him that it was this sort of rash decision that was undermining the moral fabric of this country.  Then I fired him and told him to raise that child to be an astronaut or a baseball player one day.

Mikey D

Monday, September 20, 2010



           There have been some important developments regarding practice space. First of all and probably most important, THE BAN ON PERSONAL STUDIO SPACE HAS BEEN LIFTED. The reasons for this are many but basically, it's just going to be too complicated to get everyone to share just one space. So, have at it all of you home studio junkies. Also, as before, you can rent rehearsal space as you wish.

           Secondly, The Commission and the awesome people at King Killer Studios  have been working on how we will organize the donated rehearsal time and here is what we have come up with.

           King Killer Studios has an hourly rehearsal studio that they have agreed to donate time from. The calendar/schedule for that room is going to be shared with you by Dave, one of the owners from King Killer. It is a google calendar so you will need a google account to access it. You will receive an invite to the calendar by e-mail soon. Join the calendar and you will be able to view what time slots are available. THIS IS JUST FOR YOU TO LOOK AT TO SEE AVAILABILITY.  DO NOT TRY TO BLOCK OUT SPACE ON THE CALENDAR DIRECTLY.

           Any slots that appear available on the calendar that you wish to have will be assigned to you upon request, subject to availability. Please submit requests for your rehearsal times as soon as possible to Commission will take charge of calling King Killer and booking the space for you in a fair fashion so that all bands receive an equal amount of free rehearsals. You will be notified if your slot is available and booked.

            The King Killer Studios practice space has a P.A., drum kit, a bass rig, and at least one guitar amp. You need to bring everything else including snare drums and cymbals (they might have some cymbals). PLEASE TREAT ALL OF THIS GEAR WITH RESPECT AND LEAVE THE ROOM BETTER THAN YOU FOUND IT!

             Lastly, I believe that every team has a King Killer key holder on it except for Adrian. So, Adrian, you will have to contact one of The Commissioners to let you in on your scheduled rehearsals at King Killer.

A big thanks to Dave and King Killer Studios for being so generous and supporting New York Band Draft. Please support their establishment by spreading the word about their business and using them as your rehearsal space in the future.


Commissioner Carsten

King Killer Studios

69 2nd Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Official Teams of NYBD 2010

          Thank you everyone for making last Saturday a very fun event. I'm Fired Up! Let's get down to business though. The Captains should be organizing rehearsal times and submitting schedules to The Commission as soon as possible. Captains must submit schedules to The Commission even if their bands are not using the donated rehearsal time at the King Killer Studio because the film crews might be dropping in on you. 

          Below is the official record of the teams that were chosen on Draft Night. Player trades at this point are discouraged and unlikely to be granted so get used to the people on your team. Captains, if you need help getting in touch with anyone on your team, speak with a Commission member and we will get you some contact info. Have a great time!


Matt Brundrett
Anne Morgan
Mary Ann Paredes
Pony Ma

Howard Stock
Scott Zillitto
Amanda Cantrell
Matt Carlson
James Roe

Jamie Zillitto
Matt Cole
Brad Crosby
Evan Schwartz

Patrick Paredes
Evan Cohen
Kyle Blackman
Willie Chen

Victoria Wagner
Jay Giacomazzo
Ryan McNeil

Mike Braff

Johnny Lowe
Trevor Earth
Nate Donlop
Rory Adair
Krisana Soponpong

Obie Savage
Carsten Vogel
Ryan Havers
Doug Cote
Dan Falt

Let the games begin!!!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Band Draft Event This Weekend!!!!!

Hey There People,

              The moment we have all been waiting for is upon us. DRAFT NIGHT IS THIS SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!! There are a few things that you need to know so please read this e-mail carefully so you don't look like an ass on Saturday.

             Draft Night will begin promptly at 9 pm. Participants are requested to arrive at Hanks Saloon in Brooklyn NO LATER THAN 8:30 pm. Captains, you should be there at 8pm. Hanks Saloon is located at 46 3rd Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y.. Just a heads up, the cameras will be rolling so you might want to wear your rattiest clothes so I look better standing next to you.

              We will be collecting the $10 NYBD entrance fee on this particular night so please bring your money. Other than your money you do not need to bring anything to this event unless you are a captain. Captains should probably be bringing a pen and paper and some sort of intricate plan as to who they are drafting. If they don't, it's going to get messy!

             Also, it behooves you to study the NYBD Abridged Rule Book which I have attached in this e-mail and pasted below so that you do not violate any of our sacred rules. Captains, you must read the Official Rules which are posted on the blog. Also, everyone might want to check in with our Face Book page or our blog ( to get familiar with your fellow NYBD participants.

              Guests are welcome and encouraged so bring out your friends. There will be a whole slew of talent demonstrations between draft rounds so the night should be very entertaining for all.

              I can't wait to see you all down there at Hank's and watch as this event unfolds. Good luck and thanks for being a part of the NYBD.

Carsten Vogel
NYBD Commissioner

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Updated Captain's Draft Picks

        Huge apologies, The Commission neglected to exclude The Captains in the draftees count. As a result, some changes have been made. We are extremely sorry about this oversight. We are vaguely retarded and drunk. Please carry on with the following draft picks.

Miwa - 3, 6, 7, 11, 28
Phil - 1, 2, 5, 15
Adrian - 16, 19, 22, 26
Xian - 14, 17, 18, 23, 30
Leo - 4, 8, 13, 21, 29
Todd - 20, 25, 27, 31
Mikey - 9, 10, 12, 24, 32

New York Band Draft ABRIDGED* Rules and Regulations, 2010

New York Band Draft ABRIDGED* Rules and Regulations, 2010
*For an in-depth and super complicated version of these rules that will put you to sleep faster than a Cold Play record please visit our Face Book page or our awesome blog at

Mission Statement
The Band Draft Commissioners have put their handsome heads together to create the rules contained in this rulebook. These rules have been designed with certain goals in mind, specifically, your discomfort. They are intended to make participants create music they might not otherwise create with people that they might not otherwise have created with. Some rules have been designed to assure that the New York Band Draft events run smoothly and are entertaining for their audience. All of the rules contained herein have been created for a reason, which the commission, with their immense intellects, has pondered for long hours. We respectfully ask that you shut up and never question our superior minds and follow these rules because we have had a vision, and it’s a badass vision. That being said, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of Band Draft events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all events, and by participating in these events, all participants agree to com- ply with these rules. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM PUBLICATION OF, OR COMPLIANCE WITH, THESE RULES AND/OR REGULATIONS. You could totally stub your toe on the way up to the stage and we would laugh at you and later make fun of you behind your back so be careful, it’s a dangerous world out there. Any interpretation of, or deviation from, these rules is left to the discretion of the judges and The Commission. THEIR DECISIONS ARE FINAL.

The Commission:



Phone: (808) 228-3834 E-mail:

Band Draft ABRIDGED Rules:

1)   Every band must play two originals and one cover song at the Band Draft Super Bowl on Oct. 16th, 2010.
2)   Originals have to be the product of you and your band collaborating to make a song. Previously existing riffs are allowed only if they are undeveloped at the time of The Draft.
3)   The band, in a democratic fashion, will choose covers. Captains do not have any special privileges in deciding which cover will or will not be chosen.
4)   You may not play in a band with someone you are currently in a band with without exception by The Commission. The captains’ responsibilities are to draft people in accordance with this rule. If, on Draft Night, you find that you are being chosen for a band with a person that you are currently in a band with, please speak up immediately. 
5)   Every band has only 15 minutes of performance time and 10 minutes of set up time so quit fixing your hair and shoving legumes down your pants back stage and get to it.
6)   You must leave your instruments in the designated instrument area, keep them on your person or take them off premises. This is to prevent our gracious hosts from getting any fire hazard fines.
7)   You must play on the backline that is provided for you at the show. If you have any special requests you may submit them to The Commission.
8)   Each band will be responsible for deciding on a band name that must be submitted to The Commission no later than October 3rd, 2010.
9)   Every participant is required to play an important role in the creative process and performances involved in this event. Bands must utilize the artistic talents of all band members throughout the performance.
10)                  If, at The Band Draft Super Bowl, there are any questions as to whether  a band or a participant’s behavior is in accordance with these rules, the issue, and any penalties, shall be decided by the panel of judges.
11)                  Finally, The Commission reserves the right to change any of these rules or make exceptions to the rules in the interests of creating an event that is fair and fun for everyone. So,shut up ‘n play yer guitar.

New York Band Draft OFFICIAL Rules and Regulations, 2010

New York Band Draft OFFICIAL Rules and Regulations, 2010

Mission Statement
The Band Draft Commissioners have put their handsome heads together to create the rules contained in this rulebook. These rules have been designed with certain goals in mind, specifically, your discomfort. They are intended to make participants create music they might not otherwise create with people that they might not otherwise have created with. Some rules have been designed to assure that the New York Band Draft events run smoothly and are entertaining for their audience. All of the rules contained herein have been created for a reason, which the commission, with their immense intellects, has pondered for long hours. We respectfully ask that you shut up and never question our superior minds and follow these rules because we have had a vision, and it’s a badass vision. That being said, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

The rules and/or regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of Band Draft events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all events, and by participating in these events, all participants agree to com- ply with these rules. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM PUBLICATION OF, OR COMPLIANCE WITH, THESE RULES AND/OR REGULATIONS. You could totally stub your toe on the way up to the stage and we would laugh at you and later make fun of you behind your back so be careful, it’s a dangerous world out there. Any interpretation of, or deviation from, these rules is left to the discretion of the judges and The Commission. THEIR DECISIONS ARE FINAL.

The Commission:



Phone: (808) 228-3834 E-mail:

1.1                  GENERAL APPLICATION
The NYBD rules shall apply to each and every participant who participates in any NYBD event. All participants subject to the NYBD rules are expected to know the rules and any claimed ignorance of the rules will not be accepted or tolerated.

1.2                  AMENDMENT OF RULES
 The Commission reserves the right to add to, delete, supersede or modify any rules for the benefit of the event.

1.3.1 Every band will be responsible for creating and performing two original songs. Songs must be generated:
                              a. by the players in the band
                                    b. in a collaborative effort involving the entire band
c. after the formation of the bands at draft night. Pre-existing song or riff ideas may be used only if they have not been developed sufficiently enough to resemble a song. The honor system will be used regarding this rule. If a band is suspected of being in violation of this rule, The Commission and the judges may rule the song to be inadmissible. 

1.3.2  Every band will be responsible for choosing and performing one cover song. Choice of cover song shall be left to the discretion of the band.
1.3.3 Each band will have fifteen minutes on stage for performance. Performance time does not include set-up time but does include time between songs. Performances are expected to begin and end on time in accordance with the predetermined schedule.


1.4.1 Each band will have ten minutes to set up before performance begins. Set up time for each band begins at the end of the previous band’s performance and in accordance with the predetermined schedule.

1.4.2 Each band must break down immediately following their performance and have their gear off the stage as soon as possible and no longer than five minutes after the ending time of their performance. Band members are expected to leave the stage as they found it and not linger on stage as the next band sets up. 

1.4.3 All equipment not in the personal possession of the performer must be stored in the designated gear storage area at the venue or off the premises. Fontana’s (generic bar) does not want any fines for blocking their fire escapes.

1.5.1 Captains responsibilities in general are:
a. to pick players for their team on Draft Night in accordance with the predetermined drafting schedule established on September 8th, 2010.
b. to organize the rehearsal schedule of the band
c. to keep bands on track with the task of creating and performing the three required songs.
d. to know and understand all of the rules of NYBD and to insure that all of his or her teammates know and understand the rules of NYBD.
e. to insure that bands operate within the NYBD rules and regulations
f. to insure that all players play an important part in the performance pursuant to and in the spirit of rules 1.6.1 and 1.6.2.
1.5.2 Captains responsibilities specific to the drafting of teams:
a. Captains may not choose players that they are currently or have recently (6 months) been in a band with
b. Captains may not choose two or more players who are currently or have recently (6 months) been in a band together
c. Captains may trade players after the draft but all trades must follow the rules set out in section 1.5.2.a and 1.5.2.b and be approved by The Commission.

                  1.6.1 Each participant must perform on all of the three required songs
1.6.2 Each participant must play an important role in the performance of at least one of the three songs. The  spirit of this rule is to insure that each player is involved and has fun on performance night and that the audience can hear them play an instrument or vocal or dance thing.

All participants will be required to play on the back line provided. This rule is intended to simply the set up and break down of bands which will result in smoother transitions. Requests for exception to this rule may be submitted to The Commission.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Official Band Draft Stats: Check 'um out!